Un uomo amato dall’intera città di Ancona. Un uomo che ama la sua città come niente altro al mondo. Un uomo con una passione senza confini, la passione per la squadra di calcio della sua città : l’Ancona Calcio. Giornalista di lungo corso, una nutrita serie di collaborazioni giornalistiche all’attivo: il Corriere Adriatico, Il Messaggero, Tuttosport, La Gazzetta dello Sport e molto altro. Per dieci anni responsabile della comunicazione web dell’Ancona Calcio. Oggi allenatore di due squadre di calcio a cinque. È Paolino Giampaoli. È il nuovo ospite di Blumouse Coffee. Seguitelo mentre racconta a Marco Traferri, e dinanzi alla telecamera della regista anconetana Laura Viezzoli, sé stesso, la sua vita, le sue passioni, la sua amicizia con Massimo Gadda e il suo rapporto con la città e lo sport di Ancona. Un rapporto di immenso amore, con qualche punta di polemica qua e là . Blumouse Coffee, un caffè coi personaggi di Ancona, un caffè con Paolino Giampaoli.
super bambolottooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
super paul!!!!
50 shades of butt: So to begin my story I should tell you that I work at a Medical Spa as front desk and my job entails mostly computer and customer service related tasks. however, I am also there to assist the on shift technician, obviously not with the lasers as I am not certified, but with well…helping shaving clients to prepare them for their treatment. So this particular Saturday I was asked to help shave a client’s back, which was fine it’s part of my job and I just needed to be professional about it and it’s something I’ve unfortunately had to do before as well so no big deal right? wrong. So I do the usual I put on my gloves grab a razor and begin assisting the tech however much to my surprise (and displeasure) the tech suddenly pulls down the client’s pants and underwear to which I am greeted with a hairy behind. It is all I can do in my power to keep from laughing from sheer shock. I’ll spare you the details but let’s just say it was not totally normal colored…trying to stay professional I then had to proceed and hold the clients butt cheek taunt to shave it. I finished as through and quick as I possibly could and booked it the hell out of the room. Later when I had to book the clients next appointment neither of us could look the other in the eye because of that traumatizing encounter. I will probably never be able to live down the moment I looked at the multicolored butt right in the crack[url=”https://hmv.angebot.site”].[/url]
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